You maybe wondering how to make your air conditioner more efficient. There are many factors that can affect its efficiency, including the size of the unit, placement in your home and how often you use it. If the unit is too small, it will have to work harder to cool the space, and this will lead to higher energy bills.
Here are a few tips for improving Air Conditioner efficiency:
Clean The Outdoor Condenser Unit
Clean around your outdoor condenser unit to keep it working efficiently. Debris such as leaves and dust can buildup around the unit and cause it to work harder than it needs to. By keeping the area around the unit clean, you can improve its efficiency and keep your energy costs down.
Clear Your Drain Line
The drain line is the small tube that carries away the condensation from your air conditioner. If this line becomes blocked, it can cause your air conditioner to work harder than it needs to, which can lead to higher energy bills and decreased efficiency.
Fortunately, clearing your air conditioner’s drain line is a fairly easy task that you can do yourself! Do checkout a few easy air conditioner maintenance hacks.
Set Your Thermostat Right
One of the easiest ways to improve your air conditioner's efficiency is to set your thermostat right. By raising the temperature on your thermostat, your air conditioner won't have to work as hard to cool your home. This can lead to big savings on your energy bill, as well as wear and tear on your air conditioner.
Change Your AC Filter
The problem is that people are neglecting their filters, which in turn causes poor energy efficiency. What you should be doing is setting a schedule for changing your AC and furnace filters on a regular basis, just like you have a schedule for changing air conditioning filters and making other home repairs.
Avoid Using Your Dryer And Oven
This step is relatively simple, and only requires you to stay away from the use of your dryer and oven during the hottest parts of the day. If you run your air conditioner during the day, make sure that you close all doors and windows to your home. That way, the air blowing out will be cooler than the air outside and result in a more comfortable temperature inside your home.
If you'd like to save money on your air conditioner and extend its life, then follow the advice found here. Doing so will help you improve your AC efficiency.